
Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) F-35

            High Performance Alloys is a formidable player in the aerospace industry. Their wide variety of metal alloys has the ability to withstand incredibly tough environments.
Many of these alloys have become an invaluable piece for some of the most interesting aerospace projects. Lockheed Martin, one of the largest aerospace manufacturers, has employed some of High Performance’s metals for use on their aircraft.
Lockheed Martin is the leader in aircraft manufacturing in the world. They've created aircrafts that have broken the world speed record and have many military contracts. One of these contracts is the creation of the new F-35 aircraft.
The F-35 is one of the first aircraft to have a vertical and horizontal take off. The vehicle is incredibly unique and gives the military an upper hand in battle. The Air Force has already ordered 1,763 F-35s and the other branches of the military have made smaller, but significant purchases. The F-35 comes in 3 different variants for use during various situations.
The F-35A will have the standard take off and will be used by the Air Force. The F-35B has the horizontal take off features, while the F-35C is the carrier variant. The carrier variant will give the U.S. Navy its first stealth fighter.
The United States, along with eight other countries, is part of the program to create the F-35. The other partners include Norway, Australia, the United Kingdom and Italy. Other U.S. allies like South Korea and Japan have also confirmed their intentions to purchase F-35 aircraft.
High Performance Alloys’ product, Nitronic 60, is the metal chosen for the F-35 job. Nitronic 60 truly is an all-purpose metal. This grade is best known for its wear and galling resistance. It features nickel and chromium, which gives the alloy its strong resistance to corrosion.
High Performance Alloy’s metal alloys were used to create some of the parts on the F-35 aircraft and allow for a sturdy flight in high-pressure environments. The F-35 aircraft can reach speeds over 1000 mph.
It’s an exciting endeavor for High Performance Alloys to be able to play a part in the production of an aircraft that will protect U.S. borders for the foreseeable future. This project is one of many that is a great achievement for High Performance Alloys.

Written by Kaegan Stogsdill

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