Increased demand and new customers have prompted a change in our schedules
Historically we have been running one shift a day, occasionally some overtime, and every now and then weekends. As a small family company we try to accommodate the needs of our employees and their families, so we rarely work Sundays. It is a good problem to have right now, as the rest of the country seems to be shedding jobs with the uncertain economy of commodity pricing related to mining and oil.
GFM Rotary Forge
One new customer has prompted us to run the rotary forges a shift a day for a week, for each machine. It looks like a long term project and we hope it continues for awhile. We are seeing increased demand in other rotary grades as well, which is prompting the potential for the third shift. We are looking for two forge operators that will be the start of the extra shifts. You can read more about that here in our forge blog.
Centerless Grinding
All this extra bar production means we are building up more and more product to be centerless ground. We have added another grinder to our facility for the extra capacity needed, but there is still much more grinding that can be performed. Four grinders operating in size ranges from 4" through 0.125" diameter.
CNC Machininsts
Looking for two experienced machinists to work on the CNC machines as well as handle other machining duties as needed. These lucky candidates will be part of another expansion of capability and services offered. I think it would be exciting to get in at the beginning and put the routers and travelers together. Lots of tooling to get set up and have the processed established, proofed and ready for multi-operation jigs. If you know an experienced machinist interested in a career with a company that has never had a layoff, have them give us a call. You can read more about the job description here.
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